Bhawna Khirbat, DPT

Bhawna Khirbat, DPT
Bhawna Khirbat, DPT

In 2013, Bhawna received her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from University of Florida, Gainesville. Bhawna began her professional career at PhysioMed, where she evaluated and treated geriatric patients with a variety of Orthopedic and Neurological diagnoses. Additionally, she specialized in treatment of patients with vestibular disorders. Here at LifeSkills, she takes pride in treating children who have gross motor and coordination delays or pediatric specific Orthopedic or Neurological conditions. The primary focus of treatment is on Sensory Neurodevelopment approach. She works with expert Occupational Therapists at LifeSkills as a team to best help and support children’s therapeutic needs.

Bhawna is a dedicated evidence based practitioner and continues to supplement her education through research, professional webinars and continuing education courses.

Bhawna evaluates and treats with a whole body approach that combines knowledge and understanding of localized anatomy and function within the context of full body structure, function, and movement patterns. Her clinic interests are always to work toward helping each individual achieve their functional goals and get them back to living their life to their fullest potential possible.

Bhawna enjoys living in Orlando area with her two children, daughter Aashi and son Veer. They enjoy exploring the beautiful outdoors and attending the many family-fun activities that this area has to offer. Bhawna also enjoys yoga, travel, and hiking in her spare time.

“It is an absolute honor and pleasure to work with these beautiful children with very unique personalities and traits. I take pride in utilizing my previous clinical background and education in order to problem solve with the children and their families. That being said, these children are my biggest teachers who constantly inspire me to make the treatment sessions more creative and fun”.

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