Carmen Carrero, Office Manager

Carmen Carrero, Office Manager
Carmen Carrero, Office Manager

Carmen has been part of the LifeSkills team for over 18 years. She has been our Office Manager since 2003. Carmen has a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. At the beginning of her career, she worked for the federal government in Puerto Rico. After moving to the mainland, she became a stay-at-home mom of two now-grown children.

"Although I do not work directly with the kids as a therapist, I thoroughly enjoy getting to know them and their parents and providing any help I can, even if just an ear or a shoulder. The parents are very important to me because, if I can help them and relieve some of the stress or just listen, then I'm helping the kids as well. I love being at the front office to greet everyone on the phone or in person. I cannot see myself working anywhere else!"

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